Our History

In 1982, a group of hams at TI Lewisville formed the Texans Amateur Radio Club. The club lasted until 1999, when the TI plant was closed down. At its peak, the club had about 60 members, plus a club station and a 2-meter FM repeater on 145.170 MHz. 

After the club shut down, the repeater was operated by a group of local hams until 2004, when it was taken out of service.

Our Club Officers and Appointees

Club Events

Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic our club meetings will be held using a virtual format. Next meeting is July 18 at 8:00 AM. Tom, N5HYP will provide a presentation on AMSAT. Sign-in link for the August 15 meeting


  Membership in our Association is not required to join the meetings.

Since we can’t gather for breakfast in person we are doing a virtual gathering at 8:00 AM each Saturday except club meeting days (3rd Sat.). Here is the link to join in —

Membership in our Association is not required to join the meetings.

Aaron, K8AMH, will be holding an online NTS training session Saturday, August 15 at 2:00 pm CDT. He will cover the NTS structure and how it works, the radiogram format used when moving traffic, and also have some hands-on time with radiograms to help you practice.

If you are interested in attending this session, please register to confirm your spot. There are only 100 spots available! Questions can be directed to Aaron .

Join the Elmers at DX Engineering and a host of Ham Radio luminaries on Saturday, July 25, 2020, for the first DXE Virtual Hamfest and DX Academy—two online events combined into a full day of fun, learning, and drawings for DX Engineering gift cards. Complete information here —

Saturday and Sunday, August 8 – 9, 2020.

Attendance is free and registration is now open
 with early bird prize incentives for registering by July 24, 2020.

Public Service events of interest to amateur operators are listed on this page soon.

Be At Peace Our Friend and Mentor

Becoming a Member

Click here to download our membership application. The application can be completed on the screen after downloading then printed. After it is complete the application can be emailed to the club at w5lvc.club@gmail.com or delivered per the instructions at the bottom of the application form.